Mar 22, 2011

13 essential foods for a good Runner

The boy’s scouts have a saying:
“He who does not prepare, ultimately prepares for failure”
It is a wise proverb and completely true in the case of a runner. Like every sport, running, is both a physical challenge as well as a psychological trial. A true competitor lives and breath for his passion, as such he prepares, heavily at times, for his training… he not only stakes his trails, chooses his gear and little by little begins to get an almost scientific knowledge of climate changes, but like a true chemist he starts to see the food aisle in his supermarket, as his own private laboratory.
With that in mind here is a nice list of fundamental Foods for al tipes of runners.
- Almonds or nuts: They are excellent anti-oxidants… an ideal source of Vitamin E and help fight against cancer, high cholesterol and Heart Disease. A good runner should incorporate them into his or hers diet at least 5 times per week. Sneak them into your pasta, casseroles, salads, cereal. In a dry place they will keep for up to 2 months.
- Eggs: One egg fulfills about 10% of your daily protein needs, and 30% of the recommended dose of vitamin K (Vital for healthy bones). They contain omega 3, amino acids (crucial for muscle recovery). Finally the also house Choline (a brain nutrient, great for memory). New studies have shown that they actually lower the risk for heart disease.
- Sweet Potatoes: They have a surprising amount of vitamin C and A, once again a great source of anti-oxidants. More importantly for muscle recovery and function they have a great deal of cooper, iron and manganese.
- Cereals: They are great for energy and just one cup of cereal can add between 5 to 10 grams of fiber and protein to your diet.
- Oranges: This wonderfull fruits not only supply you with the required 100% daily dose of vitamin C, but the also help with muscle sourness… specially for downhill workouts. Their skin has heperidins that helps lower blood pressure.
- Black beans: Once again the help you with your daily intake of vitamin B, protein and fiber, but above all they pack carbohydrates, substance that are store into your muscle and later (during your run) are release little by little, into your blood stream giving you an extra boom in your energy levels.
- Mixed green salads: rather them simply adding one type of lettuce to your shopping cart, mix it up a little and toss in various greens in there. They are great for warding off muscle damage, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer.
- Salmon: Not only do they have high quality protein, but hey are also a great source for Omega 3.
- Whole-Grain Bread: a good runner needs about 6 servings of this fiber packing miracle a day not only does it help fight belly fat and cholesterol, but it also give you an added edge performance wise.
- Whole-grain Pasta: They pack a great deal of glycogen (energy), are great digestitible carbs, are a perfect source for vitamin B and have a disease fighting compound called lignans. They also help with muscle recovery and repair… al in all they are the runners best friend.
- Chicken: A runner needs more protein than a nonrunner, a small serving of chicken can help with this predicament. This poultry also has Selenium,that helps protect muscles and niacin (a vitamin B) that regulates fats.
- Berries: which ultimately assist with Alzheimer disease, cancer and muscle recovery.
- Dark Chocolate: A runner indulgance, the darker (with more cacoa than milk and cream) the better, they are a great source of energy and antioxidants.
- Yogurt: they have anti-inflamatory functions as well as provide a great deal of calcium and protein.
According to runners world and various sport nutrition experts, this are the 13 foods that a runner must not pass up when ever they are in a super market. So before you go out and spend a surprising amount of money of “junk”, take a look at this list and shop smart… shop for success.

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