“Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it”
George Santayana
Fairly accurate slogan, that today, more than most day’s rings with a higher pitch in my conscience. Like all runs in Buenos Aires, this particular one has its own hurdles to pass, mostly the fact that you have to, basically jump out of bed at 6 am to get to the starting line.
But unlike most runs in Bs.As, the reason you force your body and mind to such a harrowing experience (8km) at such an un Godly hour, is neither commercial, nor is it to gain a price (there is none) and certainly it isn’t for some recognition.
The true motive is simply to remember and celebrate one life that represents thousands.
For every Argentinean, certain truths cannot be erase from their collective soul, there are simply some facts that no matter your creed or ideology resonate in your very core. During a particularly dark period in this country’s history, powerful individuals had an almost uncanny control over everything, their grasp was total, and their mind set absolute in their desire for obedience. What became a “Big Brother” watchful eye, quickly developed into brutal and state sponsored acts of terrorism.
During this time families were decimated, mothers lost their sons, and children became orphans. To this very day identities are hidden behind shadows and death is a reminder of all that has been lost.
The lost, the missing, but not forgotten have become “Los Desaparicidos” … loosely translated “The Vanished”. One day they were there: in your home, saluting their neighbor, going to work… then suddenly they disappeared, leaving no trace or evidence of their whereabouts.
After a time the country recuperated… to some justice has been dealt ,for others it is still ongoing struggle.
Michael Sanchez was one of this abducted souls… a 25 year old poet, runner, and general athlete who one night in 1978 simply vanished in the fog of a troubled time. He was never heard from again… his resting place remains a mystery… in 2000 to honor him, an Italian journalist Piccioni organized the first ever “La corza di Miguel” in Rome… it has now become a worldwide phenomenon and it is celebrated in many countries.
Almost 35 years later we remember one of this souls, we run and pave this street with our will, not just to enjoy ourselves but to honor someone.
Its is a strange vista seeing political rallies and banner filled ideology in a run’s landscape, but in this case we are in the whirlpool of an electrically charge issue. Some applaud this political displays cheering the demonstrators on, others stare at them in disbelieve and swear that the event has become distorted… Some race across the field with “Michel’s Run… Government of Bs.As” t-shirts draping their torso, others do not, silently protesting against a force they do not condone. But what really matters, what no boundary or border can separate is the fact that we RUN… Today Sunday the 3erd of April, on a black veiled dark mourning, we RUN for Michael who has become a beacon by which we celebrate and mourn many and make a one simple but powerful statement: “WE WILL NOT FORGET”
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