Mar 25, 2011

15 foods that help you lose weight

I have taken up several days discussing meals for runners and athletes ... individuals who normally burn an extraordinary amount of calories a day ... not just because of their sport, but also in many cases, their metabolism has been accelerated do to their training.
But the question you are probably asking yourself is:
I’m not a sport aficionado, I rarely exercise ... How can I lose weight?
Everybody is different and every body is unique, but an essential tool in the fight against fat is: NOT TO STARVE TO DEATH ... not just because we start to crave, calorie packed snacks and slowly let down our guard... but in a more counterproductive way its, its almost a Mortal sin for any diet... WHY?
As we deprive our body and fight our needs (and we hunger) something peculiar happens ... your organism adapts to its new settings. How does it do this? First it created fat reserves to consume at a time when it feels it’s lacking energy (this is one of reasons why many people despite being thin, can not eliminate areas of fat from their frame) and secondly and more importantly, it weakens our metabolism; it is made slower, therefore more effort is needed to destroy and properly process the calories ... And the day we leave, whether for a second, our super strict regimen, lets say for a small cookie BOOM ... a simple snack has suddenly transformed into a nuclear disaster for our waist line.
Therefore it is wise to change our eating habits in a way that suits our unique needs, not just choose “the fad diet” of the week ... we are not Madonna, nor PENELOPE CRUZ, nor any of those celebrities. In theory, we have neither the time, nor the staff, nor the initiative (5 million dollars paid to use, for our slim derrière) to live and die on the treadmill.
As such it seemed smart to develop a list of materials (food) that can give us a hand in our fight against fat.
1. Almonds: A number of studies have proven that, do to being rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), they accelerate metabolism and program it to attack fatty deposits in our body ...
2. Citrus fruit: These help to burn 30% fat in your body, particularly because they contain carnitine and vitamin C, both tools that help us process the fat faster and turn it into energy ... (so buy some berries, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, etc next time you’re in the market).
3. Fish: you’re most likely bit bored by now on this subject, but the truth is that they are fundamental, they have a lot of Omega 3. They also help build muscle and reduce the waist. They are the best allies in a diet. Examples: tuna, salmon, chicken, sea, etc
4. Tomatoes: contain not only lots of vitamin C, but also have a substance called oligofructos, a fiber that maintains the levels of Cholecystokinin in your stomach, which not only helps you feel full, but also to fights fat.
5. Cinnamon: One teaspoon of cinnamon a day helps metabolize sugar up to 20 times faster ...
6. Lentils: They have high levels of protein and fiber, two substances that help regulate not only the level of sugar in our body, but also give us a hand in creating muscles in our abdomen ... the Roman Gladiators had a steady diet of lentils, as they not only gave them strength, but also created muscles around your vital organs (a fact that protected them from fatal wounds.)
7. Nonfat yogurt: Studies have found that yogurt eaters burn more calories (22% +), (61% +) fat deposits in their stomach and (81% +) of those found around the body ... because it is a substance rich in calcium
8. Mustard: the spice that gives mustard its yellow color, turmeric reduces the creation of fatty tissue in our body.
9. Hot Sauces: Help in speeding up our metabolism.
10. Turkey: as a deli items, or as a complete bird, it has been found that, do to its acid-containing leucine , helps maintain muscles throughout a diet ... and as if that weren’t enough it has a low amount of calories ... in 2004 the franchise Subway became popular thanks to Jared, a man who had reduced is weight in one year t (more than 30 kg) thanks to eating turkey sandwiches.
11. Eggs: They contain only 85 calories and in turn are rich in protein ... and if you fear for their cholesterol levels (despite studies showing that the yolk does not affect them in any way), use only the egg whites.
12. Soy: it blocks absorption of fat deposits.
13. Apples: Will help satisfy you, and also they are one of the few foods that contain pectin (the substance that helps metabolize food).
14. Garlic: contains allicin, which fights bacteria and fat.
15. Spinach: Promotes, thanks to being rich in iron to the building of muscle and accelerating our metabolism.
These are 15 of the many foods that can become key allies in the fight against obesity and especially to lose a few more pounds ...
Of course, preparation of dishes is essential, if you fry, You can BET THAT THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANYWAY... Also keep a close eye on the portions we serve ... but once again, joining these meals with those LIGHT products found on market shelves, one can develop a quick, delicious and above all healthy menu for any cousine..

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