Apr 4, 2011

The Pineapple Express diet and its benefits.

The Other day I was re-watching the movie “Tropic Thunder”, about a 3erd way into the film there is a verbal exchange between Ben Stillers Character and Robert Downey Jr… In it, action man Ben Stiller, talks about the secret to his lean Physic and Muscles tone… PINEAPPLES.
As such, knowing fullwell that it might have been an exaggeration, I began doing a bit of research (Google it) as to whether or not there was some validity to his claim, amazingly there was.
The pineapple is not a fruit, first real shocker I discovered… It is a Plant from the Bromeliad family that is native to South America only. It contains a large amount of Vitamin C and E, magnesium, potassium, copper, and different types of acids that give it a large nutritional value.
But what really sets this plant apart from all others is an enzyme called Bromelian.  A substance that has a few startling properties: it alleviates arthritis pains, infections, fight of viral attacks, helps in healing wounds, is a great anti-inflammatory and has great digestive properties.
But the real payload comes from the fact that it metabolizes fat in abundances.  It not only helps in keeping you fit, but its unique structure actually contributes to reducing fat and toning up your body… giving you the lean, ripped and hard look most of use search for our entire life.
Plus, as an added flavor to the mix, its anti- inflammatory powers help in reducing pains in muscles and joints after any work out.
A fresh pineapple has about 100% of these qualities, while a canned pineapple has 200%...
So much so that a diet Fad, that started in the United States, proves that a rich diet in pineapples can help a person loose at least 2 pounds (1kg) a week… and a diet based primarily on pineapples and nothing more can actually reduce a pound per day (that’s about 0,5kg), although the latter is in dispute and most medical personal balk at the fact that a MONODIET (a diet based on only one type of foot) can be hazardous in the long run.
As such, for any athlete or persona who wishes to loose a few pounds before summer, or simply wants to look great for winter… here is a nice tip that can help you accomplish your task.

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