Feb 28, 2011


Its on BABY!!!

So far so good... with the help of a few friends I have managed to score a great deal of BUDDIES for my facebook page. Why is this important???
I'm I really that starving for attention???
No, quite frankly, Im a bit of a lone wolf and incredibly anti-social. But Organizations, enterprises, and business might be inclined to make donations and have does "gifts" publicly exhibited if you have a captive audience.
So please be my FRIEND

Thank you

Feb 27, 2011

Entrada nueva... que esperarse de la web en los próximos meses

Pues lo hemos logrado, estamos online… mas o menos.. aun falta mucho trabajo, pero le estamos dando a todo un poco de personalidad a este proyecto, quizás una sonrisa y sobretodo alma.
Con qué se van a topar al entrar en la website… por ahora algo básico, estamos trabajando sobre un esqueleto, le faltan los órganos vitales, los músculos y hasta un camisa Hawaiana para agregarle algo de actitud. Pero por ahora, esto es con lo que trabajamos. Para ser sincero, estamos aun encontrando nuestro norte y ahora estamos bastante complacidos con lo que hemos logrado. En la web ya se puede encontrar una descripción completa del proyecto, un review para saber a quién estamos ayudando, un espacio para que sepan un poco de mi y los varios medios de contacto.
Que esperarse de la pagina web en las próximas semanas (en qué estamos trabajando ahora):
1- -Traducción en español, por ahora google la traduce, pero sinceramente parece como si un epiléptico te la estaría narrando… esto lo vamos a solucionar.
2- -Una sección de noticias… actualizar una pagina no es algo fácil, ni rápido por lo tanto vamos a desarrollar una sección donde va a ir todo lo nuevo.
3- -Un contador de millas y kilómetros corridos (si, son las mismas cosas, pero queremos complacer a todo el mundo).
4- -Un espacio donde mostraremos cuánto llevamos recaudado en donaciones, y en lo posible pondremos los nombres de las personas y empresas que colaboren. Lo cual puede ocasionar una de dos reacciones: A. Felicidad absoluta, seguida por un pequeño baile de triunfo. B. Vergüenza por la actitud medio Scrooge que tenemos todos.
5- -Planeamos hacerla más interactiva con videos y fotos. Desgraciadamente la gente ya no lee tanto como antes, por lo tanto vamos a ponerle un poco de dinamita a la página y quizás hacerla más explosiva.
6- -Cualquier idea alocada que se me ocurra durante el transcurso de esta experiencia.

Qué esperarnos del Blog? Básicamente cualquier cosa, es el día a día. Voy a hablar de todo, hasta qué se comió mi perrita en la mañana, si veo que es interesante. Pero sobretodo de cómo es Buenos Aires, la movida en el deporte de corredores, carreras interesantes, tips para todo el mundo… y secretos para hacer una dieta…. Pues de todo.
Esperen algo entretenido y algunas veces algo sumamente aburrido… si hasta LOST tuvo unos episodios que preferimos olvidar!!!!!!.

El proyecto? Estamos en eso, por ahora estamos haciendo todo lo posible para realizarlo… buscando sponsors y colaboraciones. Cuando se haga (hay que ser positivo) es que todo se vuelve aún mas interesante.
Gracias por haber visitado el Blog y cada tanto pasen a ver que hay de nuevo.

Finally we are up and looking to score

So were on … well sort of. As you might imagine, we are still playing with everything, giving it personality, a smile and most definitely a soul.

A warnings as to what you will encounter when you enter the website… Something rather bare, yes it’s the skeleton of the thing and we believe that we are on the right path, but we still have to muscle it up. Give it a few neurons, the vital organs, quite possibly a Hawaiian shirt (Imagine a Graham Greene character, panama hat an all)… but for now, at least for half a month, this is what we have and we are quite pleased with it.

Now what to expect:

1- A news section… as some of you can imagine , and as I have recently learned, updating a website is no easy task. So what we will have on the Home page is a News Section

2- A mile counter same as the one above with distance traveled.

3- A donation bar… this is to give the public an idea of how much we have raised… this will either overwhelm people with joy, or beat them into submission for their Scrooge like attitude.

4- Videos… yes videos, and photos… people no longer read?? That’s a shocker, And a sad fact. They like things fast and in your face… and we aim to please; so short of fireworks coming at you in 3d glory from your computer screen, we plan on making the website a lot more hands on and interactive.

5- Whatever crazy idea we come up with tomorrow or next week god knows we have a few.

As For this blog… during the coming month I will basically post everything: from cooking recipes’, to what my dog ate, to Runs I have participated in, to tourist info on Buenos Aires and other hotspots… as well as tip for runners, none runners and people who simply want to live a healthier life.

So expect some interesting info and some incredible boring articles… hell even LOST had some filler episodes.

As for right the Project… let’s just say, “We are livin’ on a prayer” and waiting to see how events develop.

So thank you and do Pop in every so often.

Feb 25, 2011

Our First Donation!!!

Thank you so much María Jose Baez for your donation!!! thanks to your contribution you have help in so many ways... quite possibly one of the following:
-618 woollen blankets to protect against the cold.
-32 days' worth of dressing for trauma wonds.
-2 months supply for four severly malnurished children or 1 months supply for eight.

Or something completely different, that is nontheless helping those that need the most.

Once again thank you, and lets hope this gets the ball running.

Feb 21, 2011

Maximum Bob

As some of you might know, I like to exercise my body and my mind... most of the time, I find that in creating a connection between both of them during a hard run, I usually manage a sort of "Blissed out state"... would I go so much as to call it a mediative state? In a way.
I find a place were my muscles no longer respond to my whims, and as such they seize to cry out in pain or fatigue.
One of the many tools, I employ to reach this point during my run is the Audiobook. I have always been a great believer in the power of the word, more precisely in the power of t
he well written verse.
As such a southing and well narrated book, has more than often, become the "Powersong" I crave to dispel thoughts of "Trowing in the towel".
With this in mind, I have began to read/Listen to "Maximum Bob" by Elmore Leonard. The book j
acket called out to me and above all I have two personal reasons why I choos
e, out of Mr. Leonards bibliography, this particular novel to get familiarized with this Author.
First of all, I have developed a love affaire for
the series Justified... especially this second season that has just started. Olyphant's character may be a rehash of his Deadwood persona, but
I certainly don't care in the least.
And the second reason is close to my heart... during the 90s, I remembered my first canceled drama... the first television series I had commence to follow, and finally the first that was cut down in its prime... that series was none other than Maximum Bob. As such this novel is above all, a stroll down memory lane...
The critics have been rather poor of the novel, and I only hope, that I have not sacrificed a new fancy for
a fine Author, for a book that has been panned and considered a low point in his career...
I guess that by the end of this week, I will have made my on judgement.
Will get back to you as soon as I finish.

Up, up and away

So we are close to the deadline... a few more days, a week at the most and we are going viral, or some other "thing and magik".
What exactly does that mean, well in a short and concise answer, the website will be online...
As of right now, parts of it are all ready hitting the web, but mostly, it just a few banners stating that construction is taking place.
The first week of March, is really the date when the magic starts...
For now this is basically a blank blog with CERO attendance... (I certainly hope that changes).
Just stay tune, cool your jets, don't zap us out and every so often check our progress, at:
So until next week, when we will hit the ground running (mind the bad pun)...
Live long and prosper.